Detroit is a beautiful but broken city. Past events have shaped Detroit into the city it is today and those same events have impacted the people in the city as well. Broken by sin, this city needs the redemption that the Gospel brings. 

Join us for two short weeks as we engage in ministry with people experiencing homelessness, share the gospel with people on Detroit's beautiful riverwalk and partner with local churches to engage in cross cultural ministry. Through these strategic mission activities we will grow together in our ability to reach across cultural and socioeconomic barriers to share the Gospel with all people. 

Detroit Summer Mission exists to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people in the city, but you will also leave trained and equipped and with a great love for one of the most underrated cities in America. Will you join us? 


Detroit Cru Summer Mission

Location: Detroit, Michigan

Term: June 16 - July 1

Ministry Focus: Homeless Ministry, Evangelism

Cost: $795

Length: 2 weeks